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Fund in Focus: NCM Short Term Income Fund

Published on 03-13-2019

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Higher risk, but complements a diversified portfolio

With continuing upward pressure on interest rates, short-term bond funds are expected to come under even more pressure. But NCM Short Term Income Fund, managed by Bill Holy and Owen Morgan, is an option for those seeking a higher yield and who are comfortable taking on a bit more risk.

The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of short-term high-yield bonds, senior bank loans, and investment-grade bonds. The underlying yield of the portfolio is listed at 4.3%, which is well above the 2.9% offered by the S&P/TSX 60 Index.

But overall risk is also higher because the fund is taking on more credit risk. It is also more volatile than other short-term bond funds, with an average 3-year standard deviation of 4.2%, nearly double that of most of its peers. The fund is consequently susceptible to larger swings. For example, between mid-2015 and early 2016, when crude oil sold off sharply, the fund fell more than 5%, but then rebounded strongly, ending 2016 up more than 5%.

The target mix is roughly 50% short-term high-yield bonds and 50% senior loans, a mix that dramatically reduces interest rate sensitivity. Credit risk is an issue; however, bank loans sit very high in a company’s capital structure, helping mitigate that risk. To protect against default in the high-yield holdings, the managers do a significant amount of credit analysis to fully understand a company’s overall debt situation.

Returns have been modest in absolute terms, but the fund has consistently produced solid returns. Its 3-year average annual compounded rate of return ending Feb. 28 was 4.0% for the Series F units, well above the category average of 2.6% for the period.

The fund pays a monthly distribution that is adjusted based on the yield outlook. Distributions are currently $0.03 monthly, for an annualized yield of 4%. MER is a relatively steep 1.2%, but the costs have thus far been more than offset by the higher return.

The fund isn’t for everyone and is not a core holding. But those comfortable taking on a bit more risk can earn a higher return and shorten the duration of their fixed-income sleeve by adding an appropriate allocation of this fund to their otherwise well-diversified portfolio.

NCM Short Term Income Fund
Fund company: NCM Investments
Fund Type: Miscellaneous – Income and Real Property
Style: Bottom-up Credit Analysis
Risk level: Low-Medium
Load status: Optional
RRSP/RRIF suitability: Good
Managers: Bill Holy, Owen Morgan
MER: 1.21% (Series F)
Fund code: NRP1100 (Series F)
Minimum investment: $5,000

Dave Paterson, CFA, is the Director of Research, Investment Funds for D.A. Paterson & Associates Inc., a consulting firm specializing in providing research and due diligence on a variety of investment products. He is also the publisher of Dave Paterson’s Top Funds Report, offering regular commentary and in-depth analysis of Canada’s top investment funds. He uses a unique analytical approach to identify funds with strong, risk-adjusted returns, and regularly publishes his insights and analyses in Fund Library.

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